We started with a simple belief, that we can craft wholesome Halal and Kosher vitamins for your body using real ingredients. Backed by science, our products are designed to make you feel like your optimal self.
We believe in good business, so what you give us, we give back with our 1:1 business model.
As a residency trained pharmacist, Dr. Saimah Arshad was inspired to start Salaam Nutritionals after listening to the complaints parents within her community had about their children not being able to take what was on the market because they were laced with pork or weren't allergen or chemical-free. She immediately started researching alternative forms of gummy-based vitamins for kids in 2013 while keeping those families in mind. Nearly a year of research and dozens of formulations later, she launched a line of clean, Halal, and Kosher friendly vitamins for the whole family.
Salaam Nutritionals is committed to improving the lives of all of our customers through high quality products. We know true wellness comes from using the best ingredients and we only formulate products that we know your body can use. So you wont see hundreds of products from us, our deliberate selection is backed by science and allows us to have control over our supply chain, which means you get nutrients your body can actually absorb.