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Identifying micronutrient deficiencies as one of the root causes of malnutrition in children under 5, we developed a high dose Vitamin A soft gel that would provide a sustainable solution to impacted third world countries globally.

One drop of Vitamin A has proven to safely and effectively reduce mortality by 23% related to diarrhea, measles, and infections.*

*Systematic review of vitamin A supplementation in the treatment of children with severe acute malnutrition

Currently Serving Rwanda & Afghanistan

Our pilot program in Rwanda was launched September 2019 and we were able to reach over 2,000 kids in the Juru sector in the Bugesera district. We successfully educated the local health care team on screening, proper administration, safety, and waste disposal. Over 40,000 drops have been given to our implementing partners at WISE Afghanistan which have been distributed to villages throughout Kabul.

Expanding to even more countries.

As our program expands we intend to distribute our Vitamin A drops to other high risk countries such as Pakistan, Yemen and other Subsaharan African countries. With your help, we could effectively help prevent and treat malnutrition in children under 5 around the world.

Our one-for-one giving model would not be possible without our implementing partners.

Take Action

Every bottle of vitamins purchased on our website is all it takes for a child in need to automatically receive a life saving vitamin to help fight disease and diarrhea related to malnutrition.